Missionary Internship: Equipping Future Leaders
Why a missionary internship?
The internship program is a 7 month program for youth (18+) from all over Kenya, where they can get equipt to be missionaries either back in their hometowns or wherever God will send them. It’s also a great time for them to grow stronger in their personal relationship with God.
Throughout the program interns have classes on a very broad spectrum of topics. From classes about the Great Commision to first aid classes and everything in between.
Apart from in class learning, the interns have the opportunity to immediately use what they have learned in real life. We give them roles and responsibilities within our different ministries so that they can apply everything they’ve learned in class and help them use their talents and gifts. It’s also a great way for them to see what they’re passionate about and what their strengths, as well as learning points are.

We’ve noticed that the people beside us grow most when they work with us hand in hand as part of one team. Maybe one day the missionaries will have to leave this country, but those we’ve had the chance to raise up will continue the work of the church.
We believe that our graduates, upon returning to their own local churches, will be able to become assistants to their youth pastors, some of them will become members of our team, and others will be able to start new missionary work in another city. That is why this project is so important for us.
“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” (2 Timothy 2:2)

How does the training work?
The interns arrive at our mission base for a period of 9 months (February to October). This year we have 10 students. Here, every day they will undergo Biblical teaching taught by the pastors of our partner churches as well as by active missionaries. We will have lots of time for fellowship with God, both personal and as a team.
There will also be subjects on personal growth, team building, budget management, time management, and lots more. Every day they will also have a chance to serve others practically, taking part in various projects with missionaries and other staff. Over the duration of the project, the interns will have a chance to learn new skills: computer skills, playing musical instruments.
We believe that during this time they will have a chance to grow spiritually but also a lot of other new skills. We want to prepare a group of God’s Special Forces.

Zamu internship

“So that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:17)

How are the candidates chosen?
The candidates are young people who have already proven themselves in their local churches. They display the fruits of repentance, they embody the positive character traits of a person who wants to serve within their local churches.
Three of the interns who are from Mombasa accepted Christ over the course of our first year of ministry here. Others come from various cities in Kenya.
Monthly budget:
$440 per month (covering 4 schools, 1300 students)